how to create the best nft drawing um and what app you should use the app i'm going to use is something called meet the bang paint and i think this app is just great um and yeah as you can see i just used that so if you want to do the exact same thing as i do then make sure to download this app so once you open your app your midi bank paint app or whatever sketching app you're using um you want to create a new canvas and i've already mentioned this in another video where i walk through uh the whole nft creation but today i'm really gonna focus on um the drawing so what you want to do is put your settings to 1000 by 1 000 pixels and then you're basically good to go and yeah okay let's go then let's do create and boom you're a brand new canvas and yeah that's our starting power point now so what you want to do now is if you want to draw something then get yourself a drawing here you know um search like for example we're going to search for example ...